• Opening hours: Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 16:00

Glenwill Mowatt MD

Osobné informácia

Glenwill Mowatt MD

Head doctor for FMT therapy

Vzdelanie a tréningy

Konzultant a vykonávajúci lekár v programe bakterioterapie a pre program FMT - Grenwill Mowat M.D.

Glenwill Mowat M.D.

Consultation, patient care during the whole process of microbiome optimization and performance of bacteriotherapy (FMT).

Will is a medical doctor, with work experience from both sides of the Atlantic.  Four years of experience in abdominal surgery, seven years in  internal medicine. He also has spent more than 5years of his life as a consultant of Problematic Diagnoses and Subtle Illnesses, most of which were associated with the abdomen.

Will is patient with empathy for his patients. He is passionate about  nutrition, gut microbiom, targeted modulation and optimization of the microbiome by FMT (Feacal Microbiota Transplantation).

Values and quality

He is convinced that administering bacteriotherapy into compromised guts to restore the gut flora and improve optimal function is a great option that could help patients achieve good health and a feeling of well-being.

My motto: „ Prevention is always better than cure!“

Early diagnosis helps you to:

avoid  civilisation diseases

avoid serious illnesses.

save money.

Focus and specialization

Nutritional advice and food supplements

Comprehensive nutritional counseling, detailed client history, evaluation and adjustment of diet and non-pharmacological therapy.


Researching the relationships and dependencies between lifestyle and human genetic make-up.

Additional examinations

Measurement with the Inbody device, personalized blood sampling, microbiotic sampling.


Evaluation of sequential genetic analysis of the client’s microbiome and proposal of solutions for its optimization.